Untangle Anxiety Journal Liz Stewart

Introducing the Untangle Anxiety Journal! Available on Amazon now.

Journaling is a fantastic tool for anxiety, allowing you to work through your anxious feelings on paper rather than swirling around over and over again in your mind, and so, I have designed a journal just for that!

My Untangle Anxiety Journal has been designed to be used every day, with prompts for letting your thoughts out, and also reminding you to focus on whats good and worth thinking about 🙂

Untangle Anxiety Journal Internal

The pages are the same each day, and I suggest you doodle, draw, write, rant, swear or allow your handwriting to flow beautifully as you write – whatever works for you, there really is no one way thats best, its also deliberately very grey – prefect for colouring in! Spend some time with the journal, get comfy with a cuppa, and let your mind rest on the pages, letting out what it needs to, and bring out some thoughts to benefit you.

As well as this standalone journal, home visit sessions are also available, as well as my 3 session Anxiety Toolbox package – all clients who book for the Anxiety Toolbox packages will receive a Journal, as well as an audio set and toolbox resource.

I hope you enjoy the journal As I continue to (slowly!) build this site, pages will shuffle and move until it all makes sense – it is my plan that an entire section will be devoted to anxiety tools and resources so check back soon 🙂
