Everything You want Is Available To You

Newsletter My Journal Everything You want Is Available To You by admin | Jan 29, 2020NewsletterMy JournalSubscribeTake the First StepCurabitur fermentum nulla non justo aliquet, quis vehicula quam consequat. Duis ut hendrerit tellus, elementum lacinia elit. Maecenas...
Liz, Why more than one weight loss option?

Liz, Why more than one weight loss option?

I am asked this at least 3 times a week, and I get it, I really do – from your point of view, you just want the solution to your weight issues! The one thing thats going to cause the lbs to start dropping off, the one set of instructions that you just have to...
Untangle Anxiety Journal

Untangle Anxiety Journal

Introducing the Untangle Anxiety Journal! Available on Amazon now. Journaling is a fantastic tool for anxiety, allowing you to work through your anxious feelings on paper rather than swirling around over and over again in your mind, and so, I have designed a journal...
First EVER blog post!

First EVER blog post!

Can you believe that? 2016 and this is my first *EVER* blog post! Its certainly not my first website, or the first thing I have written online, but its still hard to believe that its taken me up until now. A quick look at my twitter feed will serve as proof of just...