Can you believe that? 2016 and this is my first *EVER* blog post! Its certainly not my first website, or the first thing I have written online, but its still hard to believe that its taken me up until now. A quick look at my twitter feed will serve as proof of just how much I have NOT embraced these communication methods, and I have no excuse other than…….I just didn’t.
Being short on words is something I am not, working in talking therapies, author of 2 books and finishing off a 3rd as you read this, I really do adore words! Everything must have a starting point though, every one of us an absolute beginner many times in our lives if we are willing to give anything a go!
So please excuse me as I start here, I probably won’t get it right the first time and it may take me some time to find my rhythm. As of right now, I have saved some blogging guides and advice on Pinterest – feel free to point me in the direction of anything you recommend!
Lets go!…… slowly……… but definitely
Liz 🙂